Two decades back, I made a humble attempt of planting a seed in the soil of Nilambur. Today, the school has grown in stature offering its shade to playful children, and help nestle many, from far and wide.
Looking back, I feel nostalgic about the lost days of slates and pencils, blackboard and chalks, the fear of cane, Chelpark ink, Brill and Camelin. Yes, the mode of education has changed. We at Peevees, believe that children are the harbingers of a better tomorrow. Hence, the school tries its best to house their souls which dwells in the future with utmost care.
Peevees stays firmly rooted in tradition like a giant Oak and lets in breezes of change to play in its leaves, creating a perfect harmony for its seekers.
At this juncture, I feel a great sense of achievement and am deeply grateful to all who were and are still with me in my endeavours.
Best Wishes
P.V. Abdul Wahab, MP Rajyasabha