Ever since I had stumbled upon the teaching profession by chance but continue to stay on by choice, I have gathered a wealth of many precious experiences that have served to create an identity which I consider as the culmination of years of search to define myself. Today I feel happy finding a little difference in the lives of those I interact with, by making them aware of who they are and what they are capable of. The process of engaging the young minds in an educational scenario has been a continuous learning experience for me, owing to the same I consider myself also in a growing process. The journey so far has been eventful with mesmerizing highs and stifling pains, disappointment, vexation and satisfaction but altogether an enriching and rewarding experience.
There are different pedagogical approaches and tools favoured and used extensively for different learning experiences. The entire teaching learning process in the light of technological revolution and information explosion the world has witnessed a tremendous change. The role of a teacher is no longer an imparter of knowledge but as a facilitator of learning. Students are no longer the ‘wet clay’ to be moulded in to the desired shapes. They come equipped with a better understanding of the world around them and multiple source of information available to them. Internet explorer can quench their curiosity. In keeping with the changing times, the educational process have to be tuned to meet the requirements of the new generation.
Teachers should know the students – their interests, talents, expectations aspirations and goals, providing them a platform to voice their opinions about anything concerning to them. This will help them to build a good rapport between the teacher and students which is a prerequisite for building mutual trust and understanding without which teaching becomes just another mechanical process. Teaching is an intuitive process. Our job is not to prepare students for something but it is to help students prepare themselves for anything. In order to truly qualify being a teacher one should strive to authenticate knowledge by validating it through experience. Finally the passion for teaching and the commitment to continuous learning is what make the teacher a true educator in the real sense of the word.